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At the Festival
Concert. April 6, 1 pm
Master Class. April 6, 5 pm
Long Island Guitar Festival. April 5, 6 & 7, 2002
Cecilia Siqueira
Born in Paysandú, Uruguay on the 29th of March 1982.
Started her guitar studies when she was 6 years old with her parents, Raquel Franco and Julio Siqueira. Later she continued with Hugo Acosta.
Currently she continues her studies with the recognized Master César Amaro. Cecilia Siqueira
She has performed in Master Classes with great guitarists such as David Russell, Carlos Barbosa-Lima, Luz Maria Bobadilla, and Palestras with the Brazilian Henrique Pinto and Belgian guitarist Boris Gaquere.
She studies Harmony, Counterpoint, Composition with the Uruguayan composer Diego Legrand.
From 1997 started her dense artistic activities including several presentations in Uruguay (Treinta y Tres, Pando, Paysandú, Montevideo, Mercedes, Salto, San José, Colonia, Durazno, Tacuarembó), Argentina (Paraná, Entre Ríos, Córdoba), Alemania (Frankfurt, Lilienthal, Neustadt), with great success.
At present she is to perform many concerts in Uruguay, Germany, Italy, Brazil, and Argentina.
She shared the stage in 2 opportunities, playing with Cacho Tirao in the best theaters of Uruguay.
She has made many important television presentations (S.O.D.R.E., Canal 10, Teledoce, Montecarlo, etc.).
The 20th of October 2001 her first CD was released in Germany.
The 30th of November 1997 she won the first prize in the "Primer Concurso Nacional de Guitarra" organized by the "Centro Guitarrístico del Uruguay".
The 27th of July 2001 she won the first prize in the "Tercer Festival y Segundo Concurso Internacional de Violao PRO-MÚSICA/SESC" in Caxias do Sul - Brasil.
When she performed a concert in "Sala Vaz Ferreira", she obtained the title "Revelation 1997".
The "Intendencia de Paysandú" -City Hall- (1998) gave her trophy for her relevant artistic performance. And in the same year she had another recognition when she participated in the cycle "Music and Musicians".
In the "Tercer Festival Internacional de Guitarra de Montevideo" she received the distinction of "Honor al Mérito".
The 12th of October 2001 the "Intendecia Municipal de Paysandú" - City Hall- and "Todos por Uruguay", organized for Uruguayan Precedence made a concert called "EN CONCIERTO, Homenaje a Cecilia Siqueira Franco".
"Siqueira and her poetic passion for the guitar, her lyricism, her program selection, her technique, is another sign of an artistic refinement ..."
J. García Dantaz (El Telégrafo) 1998
"She is only 17 and is a virtuoso of the six strings"
Eduardo Lemes (Quinto Día). 1999
"... At present the best thing is to save many adjectives for the future because We are sure she will give arouse to talk ..."
J.H.D. (El País). 2000
"Cecilia Siqueira, Musician Ambassadress of South America"
Hans-Joachim Brandt (Osterholzer Woche) Germany. 2001
